Spring is upon us, and Florida Oranges are in season!
In Florida, we’re proudly known for our delicious citrus fruit! In the South, it’s picked when it’s ready to enjoy and no longer ripens after picking. This means it’s always delicious and ready to eat! Our universal advice–don’t judge this book by its cover! No matter how it looks on the outside, Florida citrus is always juicy and sweet on the inside!
Visit Florida explains that the color of an orange peel will range from orange to a yellow-green color, but it’s simply due to our subtropical climate. The blemishes you may see on the skin are called wind scars and are a result of the fruit rubbing against its tree’s branches.
Did you know that the season runs from September through June, with the height of the harvest being in February? We currently have the ripest fruit at the market and they’re going fast!